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Termite Control

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Understanding Nature’s Silent, Destructive Invaders

Termites, commonly referred to as ‘carias’ in Mauritius can cause extensive damage to the structure of a building and go for years undetected.

Thousands of homes and buildings suffer from termite attacks every year in Mauritius, resulting in significant devalue of properties and causing large repairs costs.

Understanding how termites work can play a critical role in protecting your home.

Termite Guide: Know Your Enemy

Who are they?

There are different species of termites but the ones that cause the most damage are the Subterranean Termites and the Drywood Termites.

Where do they live?

Termite colonies exist underground and may be present in for years before they get noticed.

How do they live?

A termite colony is divided into separate castes – Queens, Workers, Soldiers, and Reproductive Swarmers. The Queen is an egg-laying machine as she can lay up to 40,000 eggs a day and can live up to 45 years.

Why are they dangerous?

Termites are dangerous because of their eating habits. In addition to wood, termites will eat mulch, books, paper, and even insulation materials. Even if your house is built primarily of brick, you can still have termite issues, because structural supports as well as other building components are constructed of wood and other materials containing cellulose.

Termites Are a Very High-Risk For Any Home and Business.

That’s why professional solutions may be the most reliable way and guarantees a long-term solution to a termite issue.

Our effective solutions have been designed to cater for all buildings and include: either right at the construction process, or after the construction:

Our Pre-Construction termite barrier tackles the issue right at the construction process.

Our Post-Construction Termite Baiting Treatment ensures the long-term protection of your building against any termite infestation.

An Organised Secret Society –
The Different Roles of Termites

1: Queens – The Reproducers

Basically, an egg-laying machine as the Queen’s primary function is to reproduce. She can lay between 30,000 and 40,000 eggs in one day, and live up to 45 years.

2: Workers – The Doers

Considered as the primary labour force of a colony, they do almost everything from building tunnels, clearing galleries and tending to eggs and young. The termite workers are also the ones responsible for getting food for the colony, and taking care of the nest in general. In their job, they are the ones who make so much damage to buildings.

3: Soldiers – The Colony’s Defence

As their name suggest, the soldiers protect the colony from invaders such as ants and spiders. They make use of their large head and two jaws to wound invaders, warn the colony of danger and stand guard at mud tubes to allow swarmers to emerge peacefully.

4: Reproductive Swarmers – The Future Queens and Kings

The swarmers are the sexually mature members of the colony and emerge when the colony has grown large. They swarm in large numbers, drop their wings after they land and pair off to attempt to start a new colony.

Don’t let termites consume your investment

We have the right formula for dealing with them

Our Pre-Construction termite barrier tackles the issue at source by preventing the termites from entering your building right from the buildings’ construction. Different procedures are carried out for soil, masonry, wood, and electrical fixtures to provide the building with a barrier against the subterranean termites.

If your building’s already up, our Post-Construction Termite Baiting Treatment is a technique that involves the strategic placement of bait stations around your building’s perimeter and inside the building where evidence if termite presence is found.

Did They Invade Your Home?