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Numéro gratuit (ligne fixe) 8001222
  1. The Signature Range
  2. Hands & Surface Sanitiser Dispensers

Hands & Surface
Sanitiser Dispensers

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Hands & Surface Sanitiser Dispensers

Hand hygiene is a critical element in the prevention of the spread of germs. A robust, reliable and hygienic method of delivering hand sanitiser is essential for your employees or customers.

Available with or without alcohol and in No-Touch or Manual version, our hand sanitiser dispensers offer all of these features along with a contemporary and sleek design. They are designed to be inviting to use and the integral antibacterial technology provides the ultimate in hygiene.

Key Features & Benefits:

Sanitiser refills available with or without alcohol.
UltraProtect® gel is Halal certified and does not contain alcohol.

UltraProtect Foam and Gel sanitisers kill 99.999% of bacteria and destroy 99.99% of viruses including feline coronavirus*. After 1 minute of exposure it destroys 99.99% of coronavirus*.
*Independently tested against feline coronavirus, a surrogate virus for coronavirus.

Alcohol sanitiser contains 72% alcohol and proven to kill 99.999% bacteria Pseudomonas spp., E. coli, Staphylococcus spp. and Enterococcus spp. and 99.99% of enveloped viruses including feline coronavirus* and vaccinia virus Ankara Murine after 2 minutes of exposure.
*Independently tested against feline coronavirus, a surrogate virus for coronavirus.

Ideal for use in areas where additional hand hygiene and protection is required, like eating areas.
Cartridges are made from biodegradable plastic and are fully recyclable.
Integral anti-microbial technology improves surface hygiene and helps prevent the spread of germs by inhibiting the growth of bacteria.
Surfaces specifically designed to enhance hygiene standards and to aid cleaning and maintenance.
Seamless design with fewer areas for dirt and bacteria to accumulate.